Established in 1984 our mission is to secure gifts & grants that provide financial support to preserve & enhance the quality of life in our community. Foundation grants specifically support projects that enhance youth development and programs that enhanced community outreach. Our donors are members of the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing and the general public. Applications may be delivered to a Kiwanis member in person or mailed to: P.O. Box 1092, East Lansing, Michigan 48826-1092
Recipients must be a public charity approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization to receive & administer funds & operate exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes.
General Fields of Interest: The following are fields of interest that the Foundation considers for grant. approval: A. Human Services: Youth development, Housing/Shelter, Public safety for children and youth.
B. Education: Student services, Student organizations, Public Affairs/Society Benefit.
Grant Exceptions: The Kiwanis Club of East Lansing Foundation does not make grants:
For capital expenditures, for political activities, for individual travel, meals and lodging-foreign or domestic, for scholarships or travel assistance requested by individuals, for conventions, conferences and seminars.
Annual Basis: Grants are made for one year only. Grantees may reapply provided all requested reports have been previously submitted.
Foundation board
members are proactive in seeking projects they consider vital and beneficial
for children and youth and that meet foundation purposes and avoids
administrative overhead.
Application Procedure: Written proposals should be submitted to the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing Foundation at P.O. Box 1092, East Lansing, MI 48826-1092. The Foundation board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October to consider requests. It is important that applications be received at least one month in advance of quarterly board meeting.
All proposals must be accompanied by a budget for the program for which the request is made. EACH request should include the latest available annual financial report of the requesting organization.
Proposals must include the Foundation’s application & a cover sheet detailing the reason for the grant and how many youths it will affect. Any East Lansing Kiwanis club member may assist you. The formal proposal should not exceed three (3) narrative pages descriptive of program/project plus the budget plus the cover page. (Extra pages maybe used for budget narrative.) Supplemental material up to two pages may be included which you believe will enhance your request.
The application must be signed by two members of the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing (other than board members) before presentation. The foundation may request an on-site visit or interview with the grant administrator.
Evaluation Policies: Upon completion of the Grant Application, the Foundation Board of Directors will give consideration to the following:
Project Quality: demonstrated community need, identification of expected benefits, evidence of project planning, reasonableness of budget and grant request, identification of other expected funding sources, potential to leverage other grants.
Community Impact: identification of number of people affected, description of potential impact, demonstrated community need/desire for the project, potential of collaboration with other organizations, demonstrated volunteer commitment to the project.
Project Management: demonstrated staff and board experience, organizational ability to carry out the project, mission appropriate, long range plan for the project and organization, future of the organization.
Written Foundation
approval/disapproval will be communicated to the applying organization.
Officers and Trustees: The current officers and trustees are listed on the current Foundation letterhead, downloadable below:
The Foundation contributed funds to the signature project of the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing, the Book Vending Machine Project, which has placed book vending machines in several E. Lansing elementary schools.
The Foundation contributed funds to the East Lansing Amateur Softball club to cover the field costs.
The Foundation contributed to the foster care program “There’s Always Room” to support the operating costs at their Williamston facility.
The Kiwanis Club of East Lansing Foundation funded grants to the East Lansing Fire Department to purchase thermal imaging cameras. These cameras will a) Locate victims who are ejected from a vehicle in the event of an accident b) Allow firefighters to see temperature differences in walls, ceilings and floors. c) Allow firefighters to see where there are dangers on rapidly changing fire conditions. d) Allow firefighters to quickly locate and remove incapacitated firefighters and victims.
Potter Park Zoo—Our Foundation contributed to the medical clinic for zoo animals including an educational display for zoo visitors.
Rebuilding Together—Funds are used to buy building supplies to renovate homes of needy seniors in our community.
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church Community Kitchen—Foundation funds used to purchase food that goes into holiday meals.
WKAR Read, Write, ROAR Program—The Foundation grant used to purchase books given to children participating in WKAR’s literacy program.
East Lansing Public Schools/Pinecrest Elementary—Foundation purchased Comfort Carts for the use of special education students.
Pinecrest Elementary—The Foundation funded a park bench in the school playground as a memorial to Kiwanis member Don Powers.
Great Lansing Food Bank—During the pandemic, the Foundation made direct contributions to the area’s largest food bank.
Bailey Community Park–The Club and the Foundation are major contributors to the renovation of the Bailey Community Park
Links to other levels of the Kiwanis family:
To go to the Kiwanis International website, click here. To go to the website for the Michigan District of Kiwanis, click here.
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Meeting Location: Coral Gables Restaurant 2838 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building. We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Foundation Grants
Established in 1984 our mission is to secure gifts & grants that provide financial support to preserve & enhance the quality of life in our community. Foundation grants specifically support projects that enhance youth development and programs that enhanced community outreach. Our donors are members of the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing and the general public.
Applications may be delivered to a Kiwanis member in person or mailed to:
P.O. Box 1092, East Lansing, Michigan 48826-1092
Recipients must be a public charity approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization to receive & administer funds & operate exclusively for charitable, religious, scientific, literary or educational purposes.
General Fields of Interest: The following are fields of interest that the Foundation considers for grant. approval:
A. Human Services: Youth development, Housing/Shelter, Public safety for children and youth.
B. Education: Student services, Student organizations, Public Affairs/Society Benefit.
Grant Exceptions: The Kiwanis Club of East Lansing Foundation does not make grants:
For capital expenditures, for political activities, for individual travel, meals and lodging-foreign or domestic, for scholarships or travel assistance requested by individuals, for conventions, conferences and seminars.
Annual Basis: Grants are made for one year only. Grantees may reapply provided all requested reports have been previously submitted.
Foundation board members are proactive in seeking projects they consider vital and beneficial for children and youth and that meet foundation purposes and avoids administrative overhead.
Application Procedure: Written proposals should be submitted to the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing Foundation at P.O. Box 1092, East Lansing, MI 48826-1092.
The Foundation board meets quarterly in January, April, July and October to consider requests.
It is important that applications be received at least one month in advance of quarterly board meeting.
All proposals must be accompanied by a budget for the program for which the request is made.
EACH request should include the latest available annual financial report of the requesting organization.
Proposals must include the Foundation’s application & a cover sheet detailing the reason for the grant and how many youths it will affect. Any East Lansing Kiwanis club member may assist you.
The formal proposal should not exceed three (3) narrative pages descriptive of program/project plus the budget plus the cover page. (Extra pages maybe used for budget narrative.)
Supplemental material up to two pages may be included which you believe will enhance your request.
The application must be signed by two members of the Kiwanis Club of East Lansing (other than board members) before presentation. The foundation may request an on-site visit or interview with the grant administrator.
Evaluation Policies: Upon completion of the Grant Application, the Foundation Board of Directors will give consideration to the following:
Project Quality: demonstrated community need, identification of expected benefits, evidence of project planning, reasonableness of budget and grant request, identification of other expected funding sources, potential to leverage other grants.
Community Impact: identification of number of people affected, description of potential impact, demonstrated community need/desire for the project, potential of collaboration with other organizations, demonstrated volunteer commitment to the project.
Project Management: demonstrated staff and board experience, organizational ability to carry out the project, mission appropriate, long range plan for the project and organization, future of the organization.
Written Foundation approval/disapproval will be communicated to the applying organization.
Officers and Trustees: The current officers and trustees are listed on the current Foundation letterhead, downloadable below:
Contact: Eric Rosekrans, President
EIN: 38-2752559
Projects recently funded by our Foundation
a) Locate victims who are ejected from a vehicle in the event of an accident
b) Allow firefighters to see temperature differences in walls, ceilings and floors.
c) Allow firefighters to see where there are dangers on rapidly changing fire conditions.
d) Allow firefighters to quickly locate and remove incapacitated firefighters and victims.
Links to other levels of the Kiwanis family:
To go to the Kiwanis International website, click here.
To go to the website for the Michigan District of Kiwanis, click here.
Kiwanis of East Lansing
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Foundation Board
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Foundation Board
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Foundation Board
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Foundation Board
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Club Board Meeting (online)
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
Regular Club Meeting
Coral Gables Restaurant
2838 E. Grand River Ave
East Lansing, MI 48823
Meeting Room is located on the north side of the building.
We also meet via Zoom (contact club secretary, Sue Petrisin [[email protected]] for Zoom login instructions).
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